The best of all food groups

 (By Lisa Sarah John, Courtesy Bangalore Times, Sep 25, 2006)

Minerals and vitamins not only supply energy or calories but they also help regulate several essential body processes. For example, calcium (a mineral) is important for proper muscle contractions so that our heart beats properly and limbs move easily. It also makes up our teeth and bones and it’s essential in our daily diet. Iron is necessary for oxygen to be properly carried from our lungs to all parts of the body. Iron from the food goes into the blood to make up haemoglobin (Hb), which is the oxygen lorry of the body. If your haemoglobin count is 10
instead of 12 it’s like saying you have only 10,000 lorries instead of 12,000. Your oxygen supply to the whole body is less and you will feel tired and weak. This is called iron deficiency or anaemia.

Sodium and potassium are also minerals essential for the water or fluid balance of the body. Similarly, vitamins also play an important role. If we have calcium in the diet but not have enough vitamin D, the calcium won’t be absorbed properly. If we have enough iron coming from our food but not enough vitamin B and C then the iron cannot be absorbed fully. Most minerals and vitamins are required in small
amounts but are required everyday. They can be easily obtained from food if one eats a balanced diet everyday and never misses a meal.

Foods can be broadly classified into food groups such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, dals and pulses, milk and milk products, egg, fish, poultry, meat, nuts, oilseeds and fats. Eating foods from
all these groups is the secret of getting a good supply of all mineral and vitamins. In addition, one must consume at least 2-3 cups of milk/curd daily as the quantity of calcium that the body requires can only be met from this source. There’s a common belief that milk is fattening, but only if had with the cream. Instead, use skimmed milk or curd made from skimmed milk.

Iron is another nutrient that is required in significant amounts. Non-veg food, eggs, dals, pulses and greens are a rich source of iron. If you eat only one or two meals a day then you will be anaemic. Most vegetarians believe that palak and other greens are their main source of iron. Latest research shows that though greens contain good amounts of iron they also contain an inhibitor which prevents the iron from getting absorbed into the human body. Therefore, better sources are whole wheat products like atta rotis and atta bread which are to be eaten daily at least in 1-2 meals, and dals or pulses to be eaten both at lunch and dinner.


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